Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Staying on Task

Well, here we are again. And I'm woefully unprepared, as usual.

I keep coming up with all this other stuff for the space story. The protagonist has appeared, complete with a name for once, but I keep pushing all that aside. Because I have to finish Elsbeth. I have to make her a real person. This is what usually happens, and why I end up with shallow characters. I get distracted by shinier parts of the story, and abandon the boring details.

So here I am, wondering how Fomalhaut and Aldebaran1 figure into this story, with this ship endlessly coasting among the stars, but I have to stay here and decide on my antagonist's political views. And religion. And what word or phrase she uses a lot.

I had one goal. Make one good, solid character. And my god, is that hard.

This is the thing they always talk about. If you want to be a writer, you have to write every day. Outside of NaNoWriMo, I never manage to do that. Here I am, with a good three or four hours after I get home, and I spend it doing… anything that's not writing. That needs to change. I think the issue with the character creation is that I have this big stupid list of questions and if I can't come up with any new arbitrary answers, I just don't work on it. It doesn't feel like writing. Because it isn't, it's just filling in a few blanks. Boring! I need some… thing to write about. Like pick an aspect of her personality or backstory and just free write a description or a scene or something.

That's what I need to do.

But what do I choose to write about?

Should I just pick something off the questionnaire and see where it goes? Because there are a lot of dumb questions on there that have nothing to do with the story. Any story. Like "What were they like as a baby? Or a child?" Who cares? I can't imagine how that would possibly be relevant to any story that doesn't revolve around the character's childhood.

Maybe I should just pick a random point in her life and try to write about it. As long as it doesn't involve children. Which is tricky, since she has/had a son. But I just don't know what to do with children. Of all the people I can't relate to (which is to say, all people), children are way up at the top of the list.

"But you were a child once," you might say. I was a lot of things once, but I no longer remember.

That's not the point. This is about Elsbeth. So let me ask you this: what part of her personality or history would you want to know more about. Leave me prompts in the comments, and I'll write something from them. Like, "Describe a time when __" or something like that.

I really just need to sit down and work on this damn thing instead of screwing around. I just need some help.

I'll see you Friday.

1 Those are stars.

1 comment:

  1. Subscribing to the idea that someone who "turns evil" has always had that potential and that the underlying personality traits for things like revenge may simply be hidden or controlled, I have these questions of Elsbeth:
    "Can you describe a time when your darker side started to show through? Were you aware of the warning signs? Finally, what pulled you back from the precipice?"
