Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Untethered From the Dock

 All right. I've taken a nice little break, and I'm back.

Have I made progress on my vampire novel? Hahahaha! No. 

I have, however, had another idea. Probably more of a short story.

So here's what happened.

I was listening to a song. This song. And I said to myself, there's a story idea in this somewhere. I'm just not sure what it is. And then it occurred to me, after hearing the song, I don't know, 20 more times.

It’s a tale of nefarious sabotage, and a mysterious house where something lurks in the darkness. I'm still working on the details. I have a vague idea of some characters. I got general idea of this villain, this saboteur, and about three seconds later, became very attached to him.

So that might cause me a problem later on. Because I don't think it's going to end well for him. But we'll see. I'm still a little iffy on the wheres and whys of the whole thing. But aren't I always?

It's occurred to me, on numerous occasions, that I should probably be trying to write publishable short stories while I'm trying to finish my novel. Why? Because when you query a literary agent, you're supposed to tell them any sorts of publications or literary accomplishments you have. And I have none, so I'm not particularly impressive. So yeah, I think I should try to get a short story or several published, just so I have something to put in that part of my query.

My point in bringing that up, is that me trying to work on some short stories is not a complete waste of time, a mere distraction from my ultimate novel goal. If I can write any that are any good, I can use them to pad my résumé, so to speak. And if I want to write good short stories, I need practice.

So all this has a purpose, is what I'm saying. I'm not just screwing around. I mean, I am screwing around, but I'm not just screwing around.

Therefore, if you've been sitting there wondering when the novel is going to be done… Not any time soon. I'm screwing around.

I'll see you… soon. Which sounded way more ominous than I meant it.

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