Wednesday, November 25, 2020

It's All Relative

Instead of writing for hours today, I got distracted with trying to figure out how various characters were related. It matter to the plot, I'm not just being crazy.

This is what I have created:

It's not entirely filled in, because not everyone matters. But I needed to know how two characters (the dark blue boxes) were related. Because my characters can't figure it out if I don't know.

It's been fun. I've been picking arbitrary names that seem appropriate for when they were born. The birth dates are just based on typical child-bearing ages for the time. Once I figured out how to format it the way I wanted, it was pretty easy to start plugging in names.

I wouldn't do this again, unless I absolutely had to. It's a lot of work for something that's entirely behind the scenes.

As for the story itself, I've revised my goal, because there's no way in hell I'm going to make it to 50,000 words. So I'm aiming for 30,000. It won't be an "official" win, but it will be a personal accomplishment. I'm at almost 26,000 right now, so I had better get back to it.

I'll see you… probably when NaNo is over.

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