Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Death and Romance

Yes, I skipped last week. I'm sorry. I had a lot going on. It was all Halloween/beginning of NaNo/having to work on my day off, and I realized sometime on Sunday that I never wrote my post. But that's fine. I didn't have much to talk about then anyway.

So now I'm a few thousand words in, and this story is taking turns I never expected. My initial thought was that Steve was just some hapless oaf who got killed repeatedly in gruesome ways. But now all of a sudden he's a mentally ill grave robber with possible aspirations of being a superhero and I don't know what's happening anymore. Oh, and there's a love interest?

What started as some easy, jokey series of unfortunate events has turned into something else entirely. I find that I now actually care about poor Steve, which actually makes it easier to kill him repeatedly in gruesome ways. Because I'm a fucked up monster.

So, the whole love interest thing. It started because someone (sorry, I totally forgot who) said he should try to go on a date, and be interrupted by dying. Well, he managed to go on the date, but he is going to die before it ends. Anyway. You've probably heard me say that I don't write romance. I try not to even have romantic subplots. And do you know why?

It's because I'm weird.

I have a strange concept of… I don't want to say "intimacy" but I think that's the best word. I don't even mean Intimate intimacy, if you catch my drift. Fucking, is what I'm saying. To be quite honest, I don't really see the point in that. Rather, what I mean is that I ascribe a level of intimateness to things that probably aren’t. Like… basic physical contact.

She reached out and ghosted her fingers across the back of his hand, slowly wrapping them around his wrist.
Her thumb grazed along his shoulder blade.
The latter, by the way, is while he's puking and she's rubbing his back. Not exactly romantic.

I know that this is a Me thing. I'm weird when it comes to people and touching. But is it going to make anything I write unrelatable to any normal human? Are they going to wonder why these people never bone, but I keep describing these little moments like they're important?

This is why I don't write romance.

I decided I needed more deaths in this story about death. So instead of trying to work them all naturally into the plot, I literally just made a little section break and wrote: "There were many ways in which Steve might have died. Here are a few." Then I managed to write 1,772 words just on "Steve gets crushed by a boulder." It was pretty gruesome. He died three times in the course of that adventure.

By the way, if you're keeping score at home, as of Day 8, I have killed Steve 8 times. And I'm finally getting caught up on word count.

I'd better get back to it. I'll see you next week.

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