Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Mystical Murder Weapons

Here is my problem when it comes to prep work and anything involving research. I go to look up one thing, and two hours later I'm reading about martyrdom and the Fisher King. That's one of many reasons why it takes me so long to write my blog posts.

I was trying to research the Spear of Longinus (aka the Spear of Destiny, or the Holy Lance). I was trying to figure out what happened to Steve to cause him all the trouble he's about to experience. I'm inclined to think that whatever kills him first has something to do with it. Not only does he have to become effectively immortal, he has to acquire obscenely bad luck, as Death or the Universe or whatever tries to correct its mistake. So I've been thinking about cursed objects. Well, not exactly cursed, but... imbued with some sort of supernatural power. I'm sure there's a word for it, but it escapes me at the moment. Maybe I'll think of it later.

I don't really intend to plan out Steve's deaths ahead of time. I might have a few in mind, but the beauty of this plot is that I can just draw a slip out of the Big Bag of Steves any time I run out of ideas. Not everything in the bag is a death, but a lot of them can certainly lead to it. Except maybe "Steve can't grow a moustache." I'm not really sure how that could kill him. But maybe if we go full Final Destination style, he'll be lamenting his lack of luxurious lip hair in the bathroom mirror, trip on the rug, and crack his head on the porcelain tub.

So I have two things that I really need to figure out in the next week. How does Steve initially die and get cursed with immortality, and just… what kind of a dude is he. He needs a personality. And a life. That I'm about to destroy because I'm a dick.

Why have I waited until the literal last second to figure all this out? I don't know, it's just how I am. But I'll get it figured out, just in the nick of time, because that's what I always do. This won't be like last year, when I fell behind so much that I only made it to 25,000 words. I'm not doing that again. It's 50,000 or bust.

I'll see you next week, when NaNoWriMo will begin and consume my entire life.

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