Wednesday, August 15, 2018

The Triumphant Return of Steve

This post is unique. It may not look it, but it's very different from anything I've ever done. It was written entirely on a smartphone. That's right, I've finally joined everyone else in the future.

You know, Fifty Shades of Grey was written on a BlackBerry, I've heard. And look how that turned out.

I certainly type a lot slower using this tiny keyboard, so I'm not going to be using this all the time, but it's a little something different and... what's the adjective form of novelty? Oh. It's "novel." I'm an idiot.

Well, speaking of novels, I guess, I might as well tell you all my upcoming plans. Obviously I'm going to finish The Long Road. Or rather, start it proper, and then finish it. But I'm not going to do it for NaNo again, because I refuse to be one of those people who keep working on the same story over and over, year after year. No offense if you're one of those people. It might work for you. Not for me. So the plan is to write The Long Road on my own time, and write something else in November.

My idea for November is an idea I've had many times before. There's a guy named Steve who shows up and horrible misfortune befalls him. He's been a Victorian era constable, a superhero recruiter, a paranormal investigator,  an entitled prat, a hipster douchebag, and a god.

But you know what Steve has never been? The protagonist.

My phone suggested, after "pr-" that the next word be "president," which is also true. Steve has never been the president.

But I've got this idea about a guy named Steve who is somehow cursed by an angry god or something and all of these terrible things keep happening to him. And there's some reality hopping probably. That's my thing now.

I saw a movie once called The Deaths of Ian Stone or something very similar to that. Basically, this guy would die and then wake up in a different reality where he was living a different life. I don't think I want to do exactly that, but... something.

I just want to be able to use the Big Bag of Steves for every single scene if I need to.

I think it's high time that Steve gets his day in the limelight after all the times I've turned him into a villain and murdered him. It's only fair.

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