Monday, May 3, 2021

Only Dealing With Draft One Problems

Here we are, post-Camp NaNo.

Did I meet my writing goal? Yes.

Did I lower my writing goal to something I knew I could meet easier? Also yes.

But that's not the point. It's not cheating when you're allowed to change you goal. And the real goal was just to get started on this story. Which I did. I didn't finish it, but that's okay. I figured out some of the hows and whys that are going to make writing the climax easier.

I'm still going to have to do some heavy edits to the beginning, because, like I said last time, there's a lot of important stuff that's missing. So this was by no means going to come out of April a finished product. I think some of that is going to be solved by better figuring out the POV and voice of the story.

See, it's in 3rd person POV, but is still ostensibly the POV of the main female character. I believe that is called 3rd Person Limited. We are only following her, and we only see what she sees. For example, we, the audience, don't know who has betrayed the group until she does. Now, I think this should also grant us access to her thoughts, feelings, and prior knowledge. But it currently… doesn’t, because I don't know how to write that. Partially because, like I said last time, I don't know how to drop that relevant backstory information without it sounding awkward. Yes, she knows it, but how does she tell the rest of us? And then, of course, yes, those pesky feelings. I've never been good at writing those. I don't know how to communicate that kind of inner monologue sort of information without it just sounding… bad.

So that's something I'm going to have to work on. But it's probably more a Draft Two Problem. And currently I am only dealing with Draft One Problems.

Draft One Problems include:

  • Writing the climax in an appropriately exciting and nail-biting way
  • Writing an ending

And honestly, problem two isn't that big of a deal, because I think I'm going to cut it off short, with just a hint of where they'll go from there, because drawing out the aftermath isn't going to be particularly satisfying. I'm not going to Lord of the Rings this short story. They're going to accomplish their goal, and we're going to get out.

Much like me, and this post. Bye!

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