Sunday, April 5, 2020

Still Here

I realize it's been a while since I posted. But I am still here, and still working on this same damn story.

I know a lot of people out there have been staying home and finding themselves with an abundance of free time. But, lucky me, I have a job deemed "essential" that can't be done from home, so I still have to go to work and have exactly the same amount of free time.

I have been working on Cold Blooded, off and on. I'm still trying to outline the whole thing so I don't write myself into a corner later on. I have the plot laid out, scene by scene, up to the first murder and a little bit after. But then some, like, other stuff needs to happen before the second murder. Like, more setup, character building stuff.

I just haven't felt very motivated, so progress has been slow. It's now Camp NaNo: April Edition, and I have decided to work on something else. I'm not sure what, but I need to get out of the novel for a little while and try to find the joy in writing again.

I'm never going to get rich off my stories, so I might as well enjoy them.

I'm kicking around the idea of time travel. I haven't written a time travel story since 2011. Maybe it's time (ha HA!) to have another go at it. Maybe that'll be November's novel. I don't know.

But I'm still here. Still writing. Or trying to.

I'll see you… well, I'll see you.

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