Saturday, December 28, 2019

Making Friends

Revision, or rather, rewriting of Cold Blooded continues. Yeah, this is what I'm going to be talking about all the time for the foreseeable future, so buckle up, buttercup.

A new hurdle has presented itself, in that I need to know how to make friends. That is, I need to characters to become friends within the next, say, 20,000 words. Which, now that I say it, is a lot of words, and I should be fine. But there's still the how. I can't make friends in real life, how am I supposed to make them in fiction? Basically, Des, my main character, has recently met another character, and they need to reach a certain level of trust by the Midpoint.

But, like I said, I have about 20,000 words to get there. So let's focus on the here and now. I'm currently writing a scene in which the ice cream shop is featured on an episode of some show on an ersatz Food Network. To be honest, I don't know if this part is going to make it to the final cut, but I'm going to act like it is until that decision is made.

So I'm writing this scene, and the ever-chipper perpetual teenager Celeste enters in one of my favorite sentences ever:

At that moment, Celeste bopped through the door like she was snorting pixie sticks and walking on sunshine.

I love it. It probably won't stay forever, because "pixy stix" is trademarked, but for now, I love it.

In the long run, I've set myself a word goal. The new NaNoWriMo site lets you set goals outside of the official NaNo months, for whatever length of time and length of project you want. So I've set a goal of 80,000 words with a deadline of March 31st. So I basically have three months to sit my ass down and get Draft Two written. Once 2020 starts, I'll really have to get working on it, as my "vacation" from writing will definitely be over.

This is probably the last post for 2019. This hasn't been a great year for writing. I've been slacking a lot. That's going to have to change. I'm not making a New Year's resolution or anything, because those are stupid and no one ever follows through on them, but I am going to try to make my writing more of a priority. Otherwise, I'm never going to get anything done.

I'll see you next year.

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