Friday, July 12, 2019

I'm Writing a Book, I Swear

With the holiday and all, I kind of forgot I was supposed to write a post. So, sorry it's late.

I have commenced with the rewrite of Cold Blooded. I've been changing things from the first draft, right from the get-go. So some of the same things happen, but they happen differently. I think it's better?

Right now I'm in the midst of The Setup, the piece of world-building that occupies the first 11% or so, where we meet our main character and the normal world he lives in. And then we're going to shake it up when we get to the Inciting Incident at the 12% mark. But first we have to get there.

And my god, is it boring. I don't like how it's going. I don't like how I'm writing it. I kind of hate it. It's not fun and wacky and exciting like this story tends to be. It's just bullshit exposition. Here's a ice cream shop. Here's how it works. Here's some weird flavors.

I'm going to have to skip ahead to the next part, and come back to this drivel later. It's like… I don't know if I should be dramatizing it in a scene, or just summarizing it and moving on. The old show vs tell. Both seem really boring. So yeah, I'm going to skip to where I introduce one of the other characters, because they were always fun to write.

One thing that I'm definitely struggling with is readability vs word count. The whole thing of NaNo is to write now, edit later, just get all those words down on paper. But since I'm working on a second draft, I'm second guessing a lot of words, and trying to find the perfect ones. Because I don't want to end up with another, slightly different rough draft. I want to make an improvement.


I now come to you from some five days in the future. Not your future, Past Me's future. So… the present.

What I mean is that I came back to finish this later. Much later.

I have introduced one of my other major characters, and it's going a lot smoother now. I'll have to go back and fill in all the setup crap later, but that's Future Me's problem. Pretty soon I'll be getting into all the murdery stuff and you know that's what I live for. Gratuitous bloodshed is always more fun than exposition. God, I can't wait to kill people.

We can go ahead and add that to list of things I say that have to be followed by, "I'm writing a book, I swear!"

Well, I'd better get back to it, these people aren't going to kill themselves! (See above.)

I'll see you next week. 

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