Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Changing Direction

April is nearly upon us, and with it, Camp NaNo. If you're not familiar, it's a diet version of National Novel Writing Month. You can set your own word goal, write a short story, or a script, or a revision, or just… whatever really.

So I could use it to work on my revision of Cold Blooded. But I'm not going to do that. I'm not giving up on it. I just need to work on something else for a little while. I find that I get lots of ideas for stories when I'm not working on them. It's like when you're trying to remember something that's right on the tip of your tongue, and it suddenly comes to you when you stop thinking about it.

My revision is kind of at a standstill right now anyway. I've been working on redoing my writing area, and I'm sure that is to blame. One of these days, I'd like to get a corkboard where I can put up on the plot elements and connect them with red string like madman. My very own murder board.

But right now, I'm going to divert my creative attentions in an effort to recharge.

The problem? I have no idea what I want to write.

If I want to stay "on brand," so to speak, I should stay in my genre, which I think is Urban Fantasy. In the broadest sense possible. Essentially, in a world that is very much like our own, something is weird, or supernatural, or lurking just beyond the bounds of reality. That's what I'm into. The other day I took a trip to my local entertainment retailer, and bought two books, two movies, and two single-season TV shows. All are Urban Fantasy. Clearly, I have a type.

Unfortunately (or fortunately, maybe?) it's a very broad genre. Lots of possibilities. And I have now just a couple of days to pick something.

Maybe, I won't have to choose. It's always an option to write a short story collection. Maybe I'll try out half a dozen ideas. I would still have to decide on which ones, though.

I'd better get to that. I'll see you… in April, sometime.

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