Saturday, April 21, 2018

Wasting My Time

I thought I'd get a whole bunch done over the weekend, but, well, things happened, and really all I did was make a fancy little timeline for The Long Road. Which might seem like progress, but really, it's just the very beginning, the bit I already knew. And it's not really a traditional timeline of events, not like a plot arc or anything. It's more a depiction of literally which timeline the characters are in at any given moment.

Here, look.

As you can see, Maranatha is a bubble. A literal bubble. Of weirdness. It's this weirdness that allows crazy things to happen, and timelines to split. Maybe. It's just one of such bubbles. Every time they hit a bubble, something absurd happens.

The hitcher is a free agent of space and time. Apparently. I'm not exactly sure how she operates at this moment. Somehow she always jumps forward to end up ahead of them. And she's up to something sinister. I guess.

It doesn't help that the notes I'm giving myself aren't really all that useful. I just keep declaring ideas at myself, usually with no indication of how I should work them in.

Just… look at what I have to work with. Explicit Language Advisory.

  • Where the fuck are they going? What is so god damn important?
  • Evil doppelgangers?
  • They should not pick up the hitcher early on. For safety, you know. So now she's pissed, and she's going to kill Tony over and over again if she has to. Maybe he was rude to her. Like maybe she was at a rest stop, looking for a ride.
    • Who the fuck is she? Where does she come from? How does she keep getting ahead of them?
      • Quantum tunneling?
        • What the fuck is quantum tunneling?
  • Craters of the Moon, motherfucker!
  • Where the fuck are they going?
  • Is Tony going to get stabbed again? Like, again again? When the hitcher returns?
    • They're not going back to 1953 town, so do try not to kill him. Again.
    • Should she maybe be at a gas station or something, rather than out on the road? It's more likely they'd interact with her, and she can get all stabby without them actually needing to pick her up.
  • Tony needs to get another tattoo. I realize this probably isn’t a high priority.
  • The hitcher just might be our main antagonist. What is her deal?
    • Oh fuck, oh shit, she's the one causing all the weirdness. They're stuck in her trap, because Tony was a dick. God damn it, Tony.
  • The Church of Infinite Steve needs a passing mention. Like a noodle incident.
  • She's from the vestibule of time and space.

Gee, thanks, self.

So as you can see, I've done quite a bit of scribbling, but I haven't actually moved forward. Which is a shame. I'd really hoped to actually get something done and rewrite this dumb story. A lot of the random ideas I have don't actually make any sense when I try to fit them into the main story. Or they don't make sense, yet.

All right, completely unrelated thought. I was wondering if I could put a short little blurb at the end of posts regarding what I'm listening to or watching lately. I that something that would interest anyone? I don't want to stray away from the subject at hand too much (that is, attempting to be an author), but I don’t know. Would that offer any insight into my twisted mind? Let's me know in the comments or on Facebook or whatever.

I'll see you Wednesday.

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