Saturday, January 29, 2022

2022 Goals

I haven't done much writing thus far in 2022, and so haven't had much to blog about. So I thought that today I would instead look ahead, and talk about what I'm hoping to do this year.

As you're surely aware by now, I have a lot of first drafts lying around. They're never going to go anywhere if I don't polish them up. I have a couple in mind to work on.

  • Cold Blooded: An urban fantasy novel about vampires, murder, and ice cream. Its recently written second draft changed some major plot points to move it closer to where it needs to be.
  • The House at the Top of the Rock: A horror short story (that might expand into a novella) about a ship's small crew, betrayal, and the dark secrets of a seemingly abandoned island.

New Fiction
Every new year brings new NaNoWriMo events. Camp NaNo in April and July, and the main event in November. I may decide to tackle some of my revisions during Camp NaNo, but I may also write something new. You know how I love my rough drafts. Do I have any ideas for these potential new stories? Don't be ridiculous. Like I ever have a plan. I do have a few very vague ideas that aren't even close to resembling plots, but we'll see.

Flash Fiction
Flash fiction is very short stories. Under 1,000 words. Maybe under 500, depending on who you ask. In my case, flash fiction is something that will fit on an Instagram post and still be readable on a fairly small screen. I've basically been putting them out once or twice a year, and I'd like to do more. It's surprising hard to write a very short story that still imparts some kind of meaning. Maybe that's a good use for some of those vague ideas that aren't quite plots.

Non-Fiction History Project
I'm not going to get into this too much here, since it's not fiction writing-related (though it does involve a fair amount of writing), but it is a thing I hope to be spending some of my time on. It involves a lot of research (which I'm a big fan of), but also speaking coherently (less of a fan). We'll see how it goes.

So this is the sort of trouble I hope to get up to in the coming year. Honestly, if I manage to complete even one of these things, I'd be happy. I'm hoping that by declaring my intentions to the world, I'll be more motivated to actually do them.

Wish me luck.

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