I didn't do a lot of writing in August. Writing adjacent, sure.
What I did was read through my vampire novel-in-progress and
list out what happened in each chapter and each scene. The purpose of this was
to have a nice, easy to skim summary of the plot, because there are some scenes
I need to rewrite. See, they were just hastily chucked in there as a means to
an end. I needed to get from Point A to Point C and something had to be
Point B. Just things like, I need this character to learn this piece of
information, and these characters need to be over here for this next thing to
happen. But I don't much care for them, so they're going to be changed. And I
just wanted a nice overview so I could see how each change would cascade and
affect later scenes.
So that was August. I mean, that was a few days in August.
But on to September.