Friday, December 31, 2021

Post-NaNo 2021

I have meant to write this post since the beginning of December, but kept getting distracted by, you know, things. This is just one of three or four projects I've just not done this month. So don't feel special. I'm neglecting everything equally.


Let's talk about my NaNoWriMo novel, the rewriting of Cold Blooded.

In the end, it was not 50,000 words. It clocked in at 36,153. Which might not seem like a lot, but of the past five years, when I have not reached 50K, this one has the most words. Fun Fact: The last time I did reach 50K was 2016, with the first version of Cold Blooded.

Despite knowing there was very little chance of actually reaching 50K in such a short amount of time, I still went all out on the last day and managed to write 5,450 words on November 30th. If I could just write that many every day, I'd be set. At that point, my goal was less to hit the word count goal, and more to just get to the end of the story. So I wrote the entire Third Act in one day. Which, yes, means Act Three (which should be a quarter of the book) is only 5K words long. But that's fine. It's a rough draft.

Now, stats. You know how much I love stats.